miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

Obama Facts

Obama will end the war in afghanistan

Obama loves peace and would never vote for the industrial military complex!

Obama loves our freedoms so he would never support the patriot act and other domestic spying

Obama is going to end the war on drugs!

Obama is going to end the wall street plutocracy and the pro-poverty federal reserve and central banking!

Obama is going to eliminate the nuclear arsenal!

Obama will end executive privileges and executive orders!

Obama will stop interfering in the affairs of the world!

Obama will solemnly swear to uphold the constitution and he will follow it

Obama is not going to be a fascist just like Bush I

Obama is so compassionate he's going to free every black person convicted of a drug crime

Obama can cure cancer

Obama will bring us world peace

Obama is the Bird of Peace

When Obama smiles, a kid recovers hope

Obama is the FSM

Obama says "Yes we can!" before sex